Good luck to the Redhawks volleyball team as you take on Colman Eagan!

Tuesday, September 6th is the last day to order any MS/HS Football, Cheer, or Youth Football pictures.

Reminder: Back to School Fair tomorrow from 8:00-4:00. Come take your school picture and meet your teachers! We hope to see eveyone tomorrow.

The Junior Redhawk program is back! For all students in grades Pre-k-6th.
Online registration form:

The USDA has notified schools that the free lunch program for all students will be ending with the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The Estelline School District has put together the information below for families for budgeting purposes. We encourage families to fill out free and reduced meal applications if applicable.

A youth Volleyball meeting will be held for girls and parents in the 3rd through 6th grades on Wednesday, August 17th at 6:00 in the Estelline Commons.

1st and 2nd grade parents: If your child is interested in Flag Football this fall, please show up at the baseball field at 6:00 on Thursday, August 11th. Cost is $25.

Job opening at Estelline School District!

The library is open this morning, but will not be open for the normal Tuesday evening session from 5:30-6:30 (Tuesday August 2nd).

Summer Jumpstart begins today! If you received a letter inviting your child to JumpStart and did not sign up, you are still welcome to attend. Enter through the elementary doors and go to Mrs. Hausman's classroom. Hours are 9:00AM-10:30AM Monday-Thursday for two weeks.

FORMS TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL: The following forms must be filled out and returned to the school office.
1. Laptop Computer Protection Form – For students Grades 6-12
2. Handbook/Tablet Use Policy Form – For All students PK-12
3. Family Information Form – For All students PK-12 – this ensures we have the correct contact information in Infinite Campus so you can receive school notifications
4. Insurance Waiver – For All Students PK-12 – If you DO NOT purchase school insurance through Student Assurance Services – an insurance waiver form must be filled out separately for each student in the household
5. BackPACH Form – For All students PK-12 who wish to enroll in the program
6. Free and Reduced Lunch Application (FRAM) – For All students PK-12 – not required, but strongly encouraged – These applications are used for more than determining eligibility for free and reduced-price meals. At a district level, free and reduced student numbers are used to help determine state and federal grant funding. These grants are an important part of the Estelline School District’s budget.
7. Band/Music Handbook Form – For students Grades 5-12
8. Sport’s Physicals – Full Sport’s Physicals done every 3 years (typically for Grades 7 & 10); Interim Sport’s Physicals done every year between the full physical – the entire packet must be filled out and returned to the school office
SCHOOL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS TO REVIEW: Please view and read through the following informational sheets regarding the upcoming school year
1. High School At A Glance
2. Counselor’s Corner
3. 22-23 School Supply List
4. 22-23 School Calendar
5. 22-23 School Picture Online Ordering
6. 22-23 Income Guidelines for FRAM applications
7. 22-23 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance/22-23 Voluntary Online Form
ONLINE ORDERING: The following are items you can order online
1. School Pictures – www.schoolphotosbymark.com – The school will send out the code for the “event name” to parents/guardians only
2. Student Assurance Services – Student Accident Insurance – For all students PK-12

22-23 School year forms and documents are now on the schools website.
View this link: https://www.estellineschools.com/documents/parent%2Fpublic/22-23-school-year-docs/354461
Or on the website visit Documents-Parents-Public-22-23 School Year Docs

All Fall Sports meeting (CC, FB, VB) will be held at 6:30 on Wednesday, July 27th in the Estelline Arena for parents/athletes.

There will be a parent/athlete meeting next Wednesday, July 27th at 6:30 p.m. for grades 7-12 at the high school. This will coincide with the football meeting also scheduled for next Wednesday, July 27th at 6:30 p.m. for Jr. High and High School.

There will be a football meeting for Jr High and High School next Wednesday, July 27th at 6:30 p.m. Meeting will be held in the high school.

Free Golf Clinic for Girls in Grades 5-12 for those interested.

2022-2023 School Supply List

The Annual SDHSAA Summer Moratorium will take place July 1st-July 7th. All school facilities will be off limits including Arena and weight room during this time.

A reminder of our summer library hours. Read, read, read!

The 2022-2023 Physical Forms can be picked up in the office, found on the school website, or at the link below: