Good luck to Girl's Redhawk Basketball Team as they take on Waverly-South Shore in tonight's game!

The GBB game vs Northwestern has been rescheduled to tomorrow (Dec. 29). JV at noon, Varsity to follow.

Tonight's GBB game vs Northwestern has been postponed. Make up date TBD.

Tuesday, Dec. 28:
GBB vs Northwestern: JV @ 5, Varsity @ 6:30
Friday, Dec. 31:
BBB vs Colman-Egan @ Brookings HS, 12pm (Entringer Classic)
** Varsity Only

Good luck to Girl's Redhawk Basketball Team as they take on Lake Preston tonight!
@Lake Preston

Tonight's JV Boys game against Lake Preston has been cancelled.
Please note the schedule changes below:
4pm: JH Girls
5pm: JH Boys
6:15pm: Varsity Girls
7:45pm: Varsity Boys

Below are the activities for the week. The gym schedule is also attached.
** Please make sure your child has a winter coat, hat, and gloves. They will not be allowed to board any activity bus unless they have them.
** Both the gym and arena will be closed Dec. 23 through Dec. 26. No activities allowed during those days.
Monday, Dec. 20
Doubleheader @ Lake Preston: JH girls @ 4, JH boys @ 4, JV boys @ 5, Varsity girls @ 6:15, Varsity boys to follow.
Tuesday, Dec. 21
Gymnastics Quad @ Deuel (6pm)

Good luck to the Girl's Redhawk Basketball Team today as they compete in the Entringer Classic!

Good luck to the Redhawk gymnasts tonight as you take on Milbank!

Check out this week's student made newsletter!

Good luck to the girl's redhawk basketball team as they take on De Smet tonight!
@De Smet

The Estelline School District will be 2 hours late on Thursday, December 16th.

Christmas Dress Up Days

Good luck to the Redhawk gymnasts as you take on Brookings tonight!

Please see the attached updated school lunch menu for the remainder of December. There have been a few changes due to supply chain issues.

Below are the activities for the week as well as the gym schedule:
Monday, Dec. 13:
Gymnastics vs Brookings at Hendricks (6pm)
Tuesday, Dec. 14:
Varsity Doubleheader @ Langford: Varsity Girls @ 6pm, Varsity boys to follow.
Thursday, Dec. 16:
Doubleheader @ De Smet: JV girls @ 4, JV boys @ 5, Varsity girls, varsity boys to follow.
Saturday, Dec. 18:
GBB @ Entringer Classic vs Arlington @ Colman (1:30pm)
Gymnastics @ Milbank Invite (12pm)

Good luck to the girl's redhawk basketball team as you take on Centerville tonight!

Good Afternoon,
The Estelline School District will be dismissing at 1:30 today. No evening practices or activities.

Our students in Estelline are so versatile and involved! Check out some of our students that are involved in the Civil Air Patrol!